If a Linux kernel has been raw copied to a diskette, a hard drive, or another media, the first sector of the disk will be the first sector of the Linux kernel itself. 如果Linux内核直接裸拷贝到磁盘、硬盘驱动器或者其它介质上,那么磁盘的第一个扇区将是Linux内核本身的第一个扇区。
The wrong diskette is in the drive. 驱动器中有坏磁盘。
The wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert% 2 ( Volume Serial Number:% 3) into drive% 1. 驱动器中的软盘不对。将%2插入(卷序列号:%3)驱动器%1。
Standard features such as2 serial ports, one parallel port, a diskette drive and a CD ROM drive are provided. 标准功能,如第2,串行接口,一个并行接口,软盘驱动器和CDROM驱动器提供。
INsert boot diskette in drive A: Press spacebar when ready. key-to-disk data input system 请你把驱动盘插入软驱,准备好了之后,按空格键继续。键盘-磁盘数据输入系统
Make sure a diskette is inserted into the drive and the door is closed. The door, which was fitted with a Yale automatic closing device, closed slowly and lightly behind him; 查明软盘是否已插入驱动器,驱动器门是否被关闭。装着耶耳厂自动关闭机的那扇门就轻轻地自己关上;
Insert the diskette for drive% 1. 在驱动器%1上插入软盘。
If this is successful, remove the boot diskette from the disk drive, and then restart the computer. 如果该命令可行,则从磁盘驱动器中取出磁盘,然后再重新启动计算机。
Capabilities and management of a diskette drive, a subtype of media access device. 磁盘驱动器,媒体访问设备的一个分类的功能和管理。